Drama Awards

Congratulations to our actors, actresses, cast and crew! Mr. Bruening presented the Drama awards during homeroom this week. A few people are missing from the photo, but all the students deserve a standing ovation!


The Grand Gala Amazon Wish List

The GRAND GALA is our largest fundraising event! This year it is being held on Saturday, Feb. 9.  All proceeds go toward tuition assistance for eligible families as well as the school’s enrollment-driven expansion plans.

Our committee is working hard to secure great items for the auction, but we need your help. We are hosting a VIRTUAL GIFT GATHERING PARTY through the end of January! Please visit our Wish List at Amazon.com and purchase an item for our silent auction (it can be delivered directly to the school). Select ‘find a list’ under the drop-down menu, and search for ‘Racine Lutheran High School’ and our 2019 GRAND GALA WISH LIST.


Other donations are also welcome and can be dropped off at RLHS.



Concordia Promise Students meet with President Ferry

President of Concordia University Wisconsin Patrick Ferry, Ph.D., recently spoke to the students at Racine Lutheran High School (RLHS). Following his message during the school’s weekly Chapel service, Ferry posed for a picture with RLHS students who are taking advantage of the Concordia Promise dual-credit program. Currently more than a dozen RLHS students are completing college-level courses through the partnership, which gives them time- and cost-savings head starts on their post-secondary journeys. Pictured L-R: Hunter Jozwiak, Payton Gygax, Jackie Kellner, Jill Rosborough, Anna Janke, Tyler Hoover, Annika Crane, Connor Rasch, Dr. Ferry, Aaron Block, Hannah Mains, Kendra Joubert, Carly Goldsworthy, Griffin Radtke, Sydney Dexter, and Lexi Flick.

CUW Dual-credit students with Dr. Ferry October 2018


#GivingTuesday is November 27

GIVING TUESDAY is almost here!  We invite you to join with our Environmental Club and participate in #GivingTuesday on November 27 and support Racine Lutheran High School’s War on Waste.

WHAT IS #GIVINGTUESDAY? Celebrated on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving and the widely recognized shopping events Black Friday and Cyber Monday, #GivingTuesday kicks off the charitable season, when many focus on their holiday and end-of-year giving. #GivingTuesday has become a movement that celebrates and supports giving and philanthropy and inspires people to collaborate in improving their local communities and give back in impactful ways.

WHY SHOULD I PARTICIPATE? Waste reduction is an essential aspect of a sustainable building. We are launching the War on Waste program and wish to provide better waste and recycle bins that are customized to our space and waste streams. Consistent graphics and verbiage used throughout the building will lead to proper use and long-term success. This improvement to our aesthetics will enhance our hallways, the Commons and cafeteria. Involving students in this waste minimization program will open their eyes to the impact their actions make on both the environment and their community, and it will also help them
develop and encourage pride in their school.

HOW CAN I PARTICIPATE? Join us by donating on #GivingTuesday and help us provide the resources we need to win our War on Waste and achieve our waste reduction goal. You can either donate online at http://weblink.donorperfect.com/rlhsgivingtuesday or send a check to Racine Lutheran High School, 251 Luedtke Ave., Racine, WI 53405.

Racine Lutheran High School is a 501(c)(3) organization and all donations to the school are tax deductible.




Christmas Concert – a service of lessons and carols – Dec. 7

The Racine Lutheran High School Music Program proudly presents its annual Christmas Concert, a service of lessons and carols. The concert is at 7 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 7, at the school, 251 Luedtke Avenue. The RLHS Brass Ensemble will provide pre-concert music beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the Commons area.

The concert will feature the RLHS Concert Choir, Chamber Choir, Concert Band, and Handbell Ensemble plus the grade school Beginner and Symphonic bands. After the service, a time of fellowship and refreshments will be shared in the Dining Hall.

Admission is free, with a goodwill offering at the end of the service.

RLHS Christmas Concert



Academic Bowl 2018

Academic Bowl 2018 provided friendly competition for our grade school students! Congratulations to all the participants! Thank you to the principals, teachers, parents and RLHS students who helped make this event a wonderful success! Quiz Bowl – Paper Tower Challenge – Spelling Bee – Airplane Toss – Art and Science Activities – Fun for Everyone! Great job, Future Crusaders!  Go to Facebook – Racine Lutheran High School Admissions for lots of photos from the event!  ACADEMIC BOWL 2018 – Results – PDF

Academic Bowl 2018 Traveling Trophy Team