Thank you for your patience and cooperation during this challenging time.  As we learned again this morning, the COVID-19 situation and state guidelines continue to change.  We also continue to modify our plans, based on these mandates.

Please frequently monitor your emails and other RLHS social media outlets for ongoing announcements and updates.  Please also reach out to your friends to make sure they are aware of this time-sensitive plan.  Spread the word – not germs!

Today – Monday – We will allow students to access their lockers.  (See below)

Tuesday – Details will be shared via email about our plan to move forward with learning.

Wednesday – Online learning scheduled to begin.


The following procedure is implemented for students to come to school and pick up books and locker items to assist them in online learning.  We will follow all local government’s safety directives regarding COVID-19.  

TODAY!!!  Monday, March 23, the school will be open for students to pick up books and any paperwork teachers have prepared.  Please follow the schedule for the correct time for your child to come to the school.  We will meet students in the parking lot by Door #6 and give directions when they can enter the building.  We will be taking attendance as the students enter, so we know who has come in to pick up material. (We are limiting the number to 10 students in the building at a time.)  The earlier you arrive in the time slot listed, the more it will help us stay on schedule.  We ask that parents do not enter the building, but stay in their cars and wait for the child to exit the building.

  1. IF YOUR CHILD IS SICK OR IS FEELING SYMPTOMS OF ILLNESS, PLEASE DO NOT ALLOW THEM TO COME TO THE SCHOOL TO PICK UP BOOKS.  Email the school, and let us know your child is ill.  Email sdrummond@RacineLutheran.org.  (Please  do not call the school.)
  2. When students come to the building, we expect them to go straight to their lockers and empty the contents of their locker into a backpack that they may bring or a plastic bag that is supplied by the school.  (Take everything – do not sort locker content at this time.)  PLEASE AVOID TOUCHING ANY SURFACES OTHER THAN YOUR LOCKER.  To move this process along quickly and efficiently,  students should not hang around to interact socially but will leave the building and grounds as quickly as possible.  Please practice “6-foot social distancing” when inside the building.
  3. Any paperwork that teachers may have for students can be picked up in the Commons as the students exit. You may also pick up any medication that you have in the Main Office.
  4. Following, you will find alphabetical listings of students who will be allowed to enter the building at the times designated.  (If you have an emergency situation, please contact the school via email  at sdrummond@RacineLutheran.org and an alternate time for your child to come up to school will be sent to you in a reply.)


Students should ONLY come during the time assigned alphabetically.  If an emergency prevents you from doing this, please email the school  at sdrummond@RacineLutheran.org stating your emergency, and we will get back to you with an alternate pickup time.

TODAY!!!  MONDAY, MARCH 23, 2020

2:00 – 2:30pm           Allen – Burke

2:40 – 3:10pm           Burns – Eckman

3:20 – 3:50pm           Erickson – Gomez

4:00 – 4:30pm           Gonzalez – Ibarra

4:40 – 5:10pm           Iruegas – Lopez

5:20 – 5:50pm           Lucareli – Niemiec

6:00 – 6:30pm           Oates – Rosborough

6:40 – 7:10pm           Rosenburg – Solis

7:20 – 7:50pm           Song – Walek

8:00 – 8:30pm           Walker – Zurawski