Dear RLHS Parents and Students,
As you enjoy our beautiful Wisconsin summer weather, I’d like to share some information about the upcoming school year. What will the new school year look like when we return in August? You may be hearing assorted opinions in the media about what the future holds for schools and our community. This past Monday, the Wisconsin Department of Instruction released an 89-page guide for a safe and successful reopening of schools. These are recommendations, not mandates, for all schools in Wisconsin. The anticipated changes and broad spectrum of thought can leave us anxious and uncertain.
In the conversations I have had with students, parents, and teachers, I know there is a strong desire to return to in-person learning in our classrooms at RLHS. That is why every teacher and staff member is engaged in preparing for a safe and productive start to our school year, which begins August 18.
We also know things can change rapidly. We learned many things from our unexpected closure during this past school year. Now with time to plan, we are even better prepared to continue learning in a variety of circumstances.
We will continue to engage with the City of Racine Health Department and other health professionals to monitor the situation in Racine. We have invested in health safety measures, educational tools, and added daytime cleaning personnel and equipment to ensure our building is a safe place for everyone.
I will continue to reach out to you over the summer with information and updates. I encourage you to share any concerns you have about returning to school this fall, so we may consider them as we plan. Please contact me directly at 637-6538 or
Please join me in daily prayer for our students and their families, our teachers and our staff. We pray for their health and safety as we meet each challenge, commending them to the care of our heavenly Father. We pray that as we show love to our neighbor, many more would come to know the love of God through Christ Jesus our Lord.
God is with us!
David Burgess
Executive Director-Principal