The Weekly News contains both NEW! entries for this week, as well as other important information that has been provided before, but still relevant.
It’s Lutheran Schools Week! This week we have special activities as we take time to celebrate our Lutheran schools across the country and especially RLHS. We are blessed to have Lutheran schools to provide an excellent education while teaching the Word of God.
Congratulations to all of our 1st semester Honor Roll students!
Racine – The following Racine Lutheran High School students were named to the first semester high honor roll of the 2024-2025 school year.
Elizabeth Andrews, Braden Bauer, Eli Beranis, Penelope Brown, Terriyah Brumby, Elijah Cady, Hunter Calverley, Elina Cihler, Patricia Clemons, Molly Duchac, Elleanor Echeverria, Noah English, Nicholas Falaschi, Carter Farrey, Isabella Gaither, Adeline Gasau, Nadine Gonzalez, Matthew Grunder, David Hansen, J’Amerie Hayes, Audrey Herron, Grace Honebein, Ryan Jordan, Ella Kauzlarich, Rielynn Krenzke, Jennifer Lozano, Madison Martin, Jocelyn Miller, Michael Mlsna Jr, Lacey Mottl, Christian Pallamolla, Aniyah Pearson, Logan Ramsey, Victoria Rincon, Ilyn Ruiz, Gabe Scholz, Liberty Schueffner, Molly Shaffer, Kourtney Shannon, Logan Stapleman, Parker Stroupe, Lucia Trevino, Lauren Van Buren, Faith Van Swol, Kassidy Widmar, Taylor Yocco.
Devyn Beaudet, Adrianna Boulter, Trenton Bryant, Max Contreras, Leah Creasy, Hunter Domino, Kailyn Falaschi, Payton Fox, Alexis Friesema, Daniel Gaus, Logan Harp, Albert Holewinski, Emma Jon, Lukas Kivenas, Spencer Knoell, Isabella Lisowski, Anna Lockie, Brady Lozano, Alyssa Mayer, Henry Niermann, Matthew Pataska, Cassandra Roche, Cole Salinas, Brandon Schmidt, Andrew Schuler, Daniel Schweitzer, Ella Smalkoski, Adriel Stanfel, Jozlynn Stratman, Wesley VanSliedrecht, Lindsey Voss, Jillian Widmar, Jenna Witek, Lillian Yonkovich.
Samantha Agerholm, Isaiah Cosey, Leandra Estrada, Zenaida Estrada, Phoenix Falaschi, Eli Gasau, Josiah Hasseldahl, Gabriel Herrera, Lillian Holland, Olivia Knoell, Levi Lockie, Ayla Perez, Samuel Pitrof, Jordan Ramos, Valeria Rivera, Alexis Roehrdanz, Madelyn Sadowski, Justice Sharp, Donovan Smith, Zoey Song, Josiah Van Swol, Joshua Walker, Lucas Wyatt.
Bennett Allen, Hailey Anchondo, Sydney Aschenbrenner, Gabriel Beversdorf, Jackson Contreras, Natalia Cruz, Fallon Duncan, Allyson Dustman, Abigail English, Elena Gaither, Cadence Gulan, Ella Guziewicz, Henry Hansen, Sofie Kading, Parker Kauzlarich, Julia Kellner, Alexis Kiedrowski, Nylah Kraus, Grace Leger, Cullen Lisowski, Emilie Lozano-Weaver, Alyssa Macias, Cameron Martin, Lauren McMahon, Madison Niermann, Zaniyah Oates, Brooklyn Porter, Malachi Reinders, Parker Roehrig, Allison Rosborough, Olivia Schmierer, Eva Stanke, Braelynn Stephens, Avery Westcomb.
HONOR ROLL (3.0-3.49)
Paxton Akins, Amari Anderson, Athena Arroyo, Serenity Benavidez, Riley Boyer, Jace Chacon, Jaiden Drissel, Kalvin Johnson, Mariah Johnson, Jordyn Jones, Gina Luna Romero, Charles Moore, Sage Peterson, Ruby Rosales, Anthony Schwalbach, Tessa Skye, Maxwell Starks, Adrian Vazquez, Samarra Wierciszewska, Logan Wood.
Deeon Brumby, Liliana Bueno, Liliania Durik, Richard Falaschi, Da’mya Hardy, Nolan Klocke, Jayda Lambert, Noah Lott, Christopher Maceri, Dominic Marani, Maddox Matson, MaKynna Matthews, Daylia Rivera, Noah Schimian, Emma Schneider, Peyton Sharp, Netheen Solano, Suhaid Zavalata.
Miley Allesxandro, Madelyn Best, Benjamin Cady, Brenden Cummings, Alexsandria Estrada, Evelyn Fredericks, Iyana Garza, Braelynn Hansen, Jacobi Jones, Emily Litrenta, Amanda Moncayo, Logan Vallin, Avery Wasik .
Brooke Bosak, Ajaya Clay-Posey, Hannah Clemons, Gavin Cuellar, Logan Falaschi, Santino Ford, Elliana Guida, Justin Jones, Gregory Knue, Nathaniel Kozlik, Elleia Krenzke, Vincent Marani, Julianna Martin, Murl Monroe, Justin Petersen, Karyme Romero, Dorian Vazquez.
Please click here for information about Senior Photos for the yearbook.
Cap and Gown and other Senior Swag can be purchased here.
2025 RLHS Yearbook Order Alert
Students and parents agree: Racine Lutheran has a great yearbook. Every student really would like to have a yearbook, and it is something they will treasure for a lifetime. This is a one-of-a-kind full-color publication filled with over two-thousand pictures. The Citadel contains 160 pages of photo memories of all students, teachers, friends, teams, activities, classes, and special events — all put together with care through hundreds of hours of work by the publications staff. Almost every student orders a yearbook, so don’t be left out. This is really A YEAR TO REMEMBER, and the yearbook records all the school year’s memories for you.
There usually are no extra copies available, since we can only order the number of books that are prepaid. If you want a 2025 RLHS YEARBOOK, you must order one.
Please send your order and payment to the school office, OR You can order securely ONLINE on our school website.
- Go to your JMC Parent Portal.
- Select Tuition/Fees on the left, then Purchase Items in the blue box at the top.
- Scroll down and choose Yearbook to place your order. You are not able to make purchases from a phone, so you must login using a computer. Be careful to only click Submit once.
The cost of the yearbook is $60. Please order soon. ORDER BY FEBRUARY 15 TO AVOID AN ANTICIPATED PRICE INCREASE from the publisher due to rise in shipping and other costs. Last date to order is May 10. Yearbooks arrive after the end of the school year, but we need to give the publisher our final number of books. Request a yearbook gift certificate if you would like to make this a gift! If you have questions, please email Hopefully you will enjoy your yearbook, the 2025 Citadel, for many years to come.
Every year we ask each student to donate at least $10 to go towards a big-ticket item to offer our guests during the Voice Auction at our annual Grand Gala (Feb.8, 2025). In the past, the combined donations have allowed us to purchase items such as a “Backyard Theater” package, Trek bikes, Cedarburg overnight getaway, a Blackstone grill, and more! Donations can be made easily and safely here, http://weblink.donorperfect.Com/StudentGrandGalaDonation, or they can be brought to the main office. Thank you in advance for your support!
RLHS and Racine Parental Choice Program Re-enrollment for 2025-2026 School Year Begins February 3rd!
Re-enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year kicks off on Monday, February 3rd. Communication will be sent via JMC to all current 9th, 10th, and 11th-grade families.
Steps to Complete Re-enrollment by February 12:
- Use this link to access your JMC account: JMC Family Login
- Before logging in, select the pull-down option and change the year from 2024-2025 (purple) to 2025-2026 (teal).
- Complete the RLHS registration process in your account
Racine Parental Choice Program Families:
You must also complete re-enrollment through the RPCP website: RPCP Website. Supporting documents should be emailed to Mrs. Fox at Please complete this process by February 12! This allows time to review and correct any potential errors before the enrollment period ends.
Thank you for ensuring your student’s spot for the upcoming school year!
Every family is expected to volunteer at least 20 hours of service each school year (July 1-June 30) to directly benefit RLHS. PLEASE NOTE- RLHS student responsibilities, commitments, and expectations that are part of a sport or club (NHS, Student Council, Student Ambassadors, team events) do not count toward the 20 RLHS service hours.
Thrift Shop Service Hours
We ask that six of those hours are spent volunteering at our Thrift Shop. The Thrift Shop is open Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays and is looking for help during morning shifts (10 a.m.-1 p.m.) and afternoon shifts (1 p.m.- 4 p.m.). Students, parents, grandparents, and friends of RLHS are needed to sort, clean, price and display merchandise and work in the store. One adult and one student, or two adults, are needed for each shift. SATURDAY VOLUNTEERS ARE ESPECIALLY NEEDED!
Schedule Service Hours with the Thrift Shop at 1222 Lathrop Ave.
To sort, clean, price and/or help with incoming donations – call Pat Hellenberg 262.498.8851. To help with checkout/cashier – call Barb Tertel 262.632.1070.
Schedule Service Hours with MORE Thrift Shop at 1228 Lathrop Ave.
Call Peggy Groth 262.498.2161 or Judy Lamers 262.321.4095.
Service Hours Bonuses
Once your family completes 20 hours, your student will receive a gift certificate for a free lunch at RLHS! Additionally, at the end of the school year, the three families with the most volunteer hours will be awarded a $50 credit to their RLHS school account, which can be applied toward various expenses such as lunch balance, athletic fee, yearbook, parking pass, and more!
Here is the link to log your service hours
*For this week’s home basketball games on Wednesday and Thursday, we still have plenty of volunteer spots to fill. If you can help us fill these positions to help make our events run smoothly that would be much appreciated. Just sign up at
Tickets for Winter Sports are on sale now on the GoFan App. Purchase a Winter Season Sports Pass or buy tickets individually for games. Some games may sell out, so purchase your tickets before they are gone and come cheer on your Crusaders.
*Racine Lutheran High School is on the NFHS Network!
All home Basketball games will be livestreamed for anyone to view. Many of our away games are webcast on this platform as well. If you can’t make it to the game, or if you have out of town relatives who want to watch, go to and search Racine Lutheran High School. A subscription is required.
*New Policy for our Athletic Events.
For safety reasons, no outside food or drinks will be allowed into the gymnasium during athletic events. Only food and drinks from our concession stand will be allowed.
Game Schedules
Are on the online school calendar which can be found here. Or click on the “Calendar” link on the school website. You may also sign up for notifications from the calendar site which will alert you to upcoming contests and schedule changes. Coaches contact information is also found on the calendar site.
Spirit Wear
Our spirit wear page is on the school website. Look for the spirit wear link on the top of the homepage.
UW-Madison’s Badger Precollege and Summer Scholar programs:
ALL Students are invited to participate in a variety of residential, commuter and online programs designed to inspire high school students in various subjects and interests. Registration Opens on January 13 – plan now as classes fill fast. More information at: Badger Precollege
** Re-scheduled JUNIOR NIGHT **
Let’s Talk Planning for Senior Year and Beyond! Juniors and their Parents/Guardians should plan to attend Junior Academic Night on Monday, February 3 at 6:00. Your counselor will guide the discussion about What Happens After High School to help ensure everyone understands the college search and application process.

Trip to England, France, Belgium & Germany
Mr. Gasau will be leading a trip to Europe in June of 2026 to study World War II and Western European culture. All stakeholders (students, alumni, parents, supporters) of RLHS are invited to sign up and go on this once-in-a-lifetime trip. Please contact Mr. Gasau at or 262-488-3061if you have any questions.
Below is the link for the tour Please contact Mr. Gasau at or 262-488-3061 if you have any questions.
Trip to England, France, Belgium & Germany (see website for detailed itinerary)
- Day 1: Fly overnight to England
- Day 2: London
- Day 3: London
- Day 4: London – Portsmouth – Normandy region
- Day 5: Normandy region D
- Day 6: Normandy region – Rouen – Paris
- Day 7: Paris
- Day 8: Paris – Bastogne
- Day 9: Bastogne – Cologne – Berlin
- Day 10: Berlin
- Day 11: Depart for home