Trap Shooting

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

Proverbs 3:5-6

Trap Shooting

The purpose of the RLHS team is to teach the safe handling of firearms while giving athletes the opportunity to compete in a lifelong shooting sport. We strive to inspire teamwork, good sportsmanship and Christian character with all our athletes. The Crusader trap team competes in the Southeastern Wisconsin Youth Trapshooting Conference (SWYTC). Currently there are 14 teams in the conference that are divided into 2 divisions. Teams shoot 50 clay targets each week in head-to-head competition. The conference season starts in March and ends in May. The conference 100 bird shootout is the first weekend in June.

Practices are held on Tuesday nights, and conference rounds are held on Thursday nights. Practices are 6 – 8:30 p.m. Athletes do not need to be there the entire time. They just need to shoot their rounds of trap.

The team also competes in 100 bird invitationals during weekends in April – June. These competitions are held throughout the state, with the furthest shoot located in Rome, Wisconsin.

Quick Links

If you are interested in trap shooting at RLHS, please reach out to the coach.
Racine Lutheran High School Trap Shooting