Veterans Project


IN May 2017, our Veterans Project Dedication was an amazing event for our alumni, our students and our community! Click here to read the article in the Journal Times. To view an array of photos and videos from the Veterans Dedication Project last May, please visit the Racine Lutheran Alumni Facebook page.

This project continues to honor alumni who served in the U.S. Armed Forces. To date, over 200 RLHS veterans’ names are beautifully displayed on the plaque in the Commons.  To add a name to our RLHS Veterans Project plaque, send the following information to the school or email Krista Long with the name of the veteran, their RLHS graduation year, branch of service, and the years served. New names are added to the plaque each year in November on Veteran’s Day. To view a complete list of our Veteran alumni, click here.

Vets Project Display