2015 is almost over – but you can still give an end-of-the-year gift to Racine Lutheran High School today!!! Before you ring in the New Year, please take a moment to make a secure, electronic, tax-deductible donation to RLHS via PayPal.
Visit our website at: www.racinelutheran.org/donate/ and then click on the DONATE button on bottom of page.
Please send your donation to paypal@racinelutheran.org and enter the amount. Select ‘Friends and Family’ and then log in to your PayPal account. If you do not have an account, it is quick, easy, and free to set up. You may also send your check directly to the school (251 Luedtke Ave., Racine, WI 53405).
Our commitment to Christian education is steadfast, and the students benefit from your generosity. Thank you for your support this past year, and we wish you peace and blessings in 2016.