Happy New Year’s Eve – give a 2015 gift today!


2015 is almost over – but you can still give an end-of-the-year gift to Racine Lutheran High School today!!! Before you ring in the New Year, please take a moment to make a secure, electronic, tax-deductible donation to RLHS via PayPal.

Visit our website at: www.racinelutheran.org/donate/ and then click on the DONATE button on bottom of page.

Please send your donation to paypal@racinelutheran.org and enter the amount. Select ‘Friends and Family’ and then log in to your PayPal account.  If you do not have an account, it is quick, easy, and free to set up.  You may also send your check directly to the school (251 Luedtke Ave., Racine, WI 53405).

Our commitment to Christian education is steadfast, and the students benefit from your generosity.  Thank you for your support this past year, and we wish you peace and blessings in 2016.

RLHS hosts annual Academic Bowl

Racine Lutheran High School hosted its annual Academic Bowl, with participants from Racine Christian, and Concordia, St. John’s and Trinity Lutheran schools. Events for individual competition included a spelling bee, paper-airplane-flying contest and poetry-writing assignment. Teams of students participated in a Quiz Bowl and a tower-building competition.

Spelling bee winners for fifth-sixth grades were: first place, Cassidy Clausen of St. John’s; second place, McKaela Rairie of Concordia; and third place, Amiyah Cihler of Concordia. Winners of the seventh-eighth grade spelling bee were: first place, Ashleigh Moseler of Concordia; second place, Griffin Radtke of St. John’s; and third place, Paige Salvhus of Concordia.

The airplane toss challenged fifth-sixth grade students to employ dynamics and achieve the longest-possible flight.  Awards were: first place Nick Yohn of St. John’s at 62 feet; second place Andy Block of St. John’s; and third place Josh Radtke of St. John’s.

Poetry ribbons and medals were presented to creative students from all four schools. The fifth-graders wrote Haiku poems; sixth-graders formed acrostic poems; seventh-graders made new poems from the first line of a famous poem; and eighth-graders wrote sonnets.

The Quiz Bowl featured fast and furious competition to answer questions about science, math and history. Racine Christian School’s team took top honors in the fifth-sixth grade Quiz Bowl.  St. John Lutheran School’s team took first place in the seventh-eighth grade Quiz Bowl, netting them the coveted traveling trophy until next year’s competition.

The paper-tower competition challenged seventh-eighth grade teams to employ basic physics and engineering principles to build the tallest-possible tower, using only four sheets of newspaper. Awards were: first place St. John’s Lutheran School students Griffin Radtke and Aaron Block at 9 feet, 9 inches; second place Concordia Lutheran School students Amy Rosales, Sully Stanke and David Voss; and third place St. John’s Lutheran School students Sam David, Madison Mohar and Owen Jozwiak.

RLHS Academic Bowl Winners 2015



Brittany Hoover named October’s Student of the Month

Racine Lutheran High School announces senior Brittany Hoover has been selected as the Student of the Month for October. The student of the month award is nominated by faculty. Students are nominated in light of the 2015-16 school year theme, “Live in Peace”.

The nominating teacher stated:  Brittany is an excellent student. She is ready and willing to help others and seeks to influence them in a positive way. She encourages those around her. In the classroom, she displays a positive attitude, excellent work ethic, and makes the most of her ability.


RLHS Brittany Hoover

Julia Pedrosa named November’s Student of the Month

Racine Lutheran High School announces junior Julia Pedrosa has been selected as the Student of the Month for November. The student of the month award is nominated by faculty. Students are nominated in light of the 2015-16 school year theme, “Live in Peace”.

The nominating teachers shared that Julia has grown to be a Christian leader in our school. She quietly leads by example and by including others in her faith walk. She goes out of her way to put others first. Even when she has her own concerns to deal with, she does everything she can to assist others. Living in peace is her policy. Julia is kind, respectful, and thoughtful. She contributes to clubs and athletics without compromising her grades. It is easy to see the school’s values of faith, learning, character, and leadership displayed in Julia’s daily actions.

RLHS Julia Pedrosa



Weekly News – December 21, 2015

Merry Christmas Week!

The latest Weekly News is attached for your convenience.  Weekly News – December 21, 2015 – PDF
The Main Office will be open until 3 p.m. on Tuesday, December 22, and school will resume on Monday, January 4.
We pray you will have a wonderful break, filled with safe travels, time with loved ones, and opportunities to celebrate the birth of Jesus.
“We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him.” 
Matthew 2:2
Here are RLHS students wrapping gifts for the Homeroom for the Holidays project.
HH 5

Racine Lutheran students attend Bucks Leadership Day

Nearly two dozen Racine Lutheran High School students participated in the third annual Leadership Day with the Bucks on December 7 at the BMO Harris Bradley Center in Milwaukee. The Milwaukee Bucks Organization, in collaboration with the Wisconsin Association of School Councils, hosts the annual event.

Members of the school’s National Honor Society and Student Council enjoyed entertainment and speakers talking about leadership.  The event’s “Brand Yourself” theme focused on the importance of each student’s individual brand, including identifying a superpower and devoting energy to developing it every day. The day culminated with the students watching the Bucks defeat the Portland Trailblazers.


RLHS Bucks Leadership Day