Racine Lutheran High’s Grand Gala is being held Saturday, February 13, at Roma Lodge, 7130 Spring Street in Racine. Held on Valentine’s weekend, this year’s theme is “Fire and Ice.” It offers the opportunity to dress up and enjoy a hot night out for cool cause.
Beginning at 5 p.m., guests can enjoy the Silent Auction and socializing while the RLHS Jazz Band plays. At 7 p.m., attendees will be seated for an upscale dinner featuring New York Strip and Orange Roughy.
The famous Voice Auction will begin at 8 p.m. The first item up for bid is the VIP table, which allows 10 lucky guests to upgrade their dining experience while they support the school. Attendees can also bid for exotic vacations, a Mileager’s outdoor-makeover package, spa services, in-home beverage center and other desirable offerings. Opportunities to pledge funds for student scholarships and tuition assistance will be available.
Following dinner, luscious desserts will be served, and dancing will begin with music by Cold Sweat & The Brew City Horns. The group is Wisconsin’s premier show band and provides a “something for everyone” appeal.
Tickets are $75 per person. Tables of 10 are available for sharing a festive evening with your family, friends, church groups and co-workers. Please make reservations by January 29. Call the school at 637-6538 or email klong@RacineLutheran.org.
Here is the electronic version of the invitation and response card. RSVP today! Seating is limited!!