Playing with Wood!

Racine Lutheran High School’s wonderful Woodcrafting students constructed a sensory table for the preschool classroom at St. John’s Lutheran School.  SJL preschool teacher Jill Hasseldahl partnered with RLHS teacher Nate Bickel.  They utilized Thrivent Community Impact seed money to purchase project supplies and benefit our future Crusaders.

“We are so thankful for such great blessings God gives us through RLHS,” said Mrs. Hasseldahl.

SJL Principal Kevin Charpentier concurred, stating:  “We are grateful for the talents and partnership we share in Lutheran education.”

Pictured L-R:  Mr. Bickel, Brian Gonzalez, Alan Jensen, Cody Schrubbe, Mason Wagner, Alex McGillis and Chaz Burt.

Woodcrafting for SJL Preschool Room 3