Racine Lutheran High School graduate Michael Gray was interviewed by CBS 58 anchor April Dovorany. Gray, and classmate Hezekiah McCoy, recently completed the Youth Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Boot Camp.
Gray and Boot Camp Coordinator Todd Nienhaus will be featured on the Racine & Me television program to be aired Saturday, July 2, at 6:30 a.m. on CBS affiliate WMLW: Time Warner Cable and ATT channel 7 or 1007, DirecTV and Dish network channel 49, Charter channel 8, and over-the-air/antenna channel 49.1.
Gray was named the Most Valuable Classmate, and both students earned the Certified Production Technician Safety Certificate and the Lean/Six Sigma Yellow Belt Certificate. Gray and McCoy graduated from Racine Lutheran in May 2016, and they seamlessly transitioned into the workforce with the training they received in the CNC Boot Camp.
The CNC Boot Camp is a partnership between Gateway Technical College, Racine County Workforce Solutions, SC Johnson and United Way of Racine County plus Racine Lutheran and other area high schools.
For more information, tune in to Racine & Me on Saturday, July 2, at 6:30 a.m. or contact Racine Lutheran at 637-6538 or sdrummond@RacineLutheran.org.