Slow down and use caution!

Please use extreme caution!      

Construction season is here!  As you have been informed, a portion of Spring Street is closed until the end of October.  This requires traffic to be detoured, with many more vehicles using Luedtke Avenue (the street in front of our school).

The volume and speed of cars utilizing this street is very concerning and dangerous! We are working with the project’s liaison and the Racine Police Department to keep our students safe!

We need your assistance.

  1. Please slow down!
  2. Do not stop in traffic to drop off your child.
  3. Be extremely careful if crossing the street. Do not assume the oncoming vehicles will stop for pedestrians.
  4. Look before your open your car door. The space is very tight – two lanes of traffic, plus parked cars plus busses.  If you do park on Luedtke Avenue, collapse your side-view mirror, if possible.
  5. Use the back door/parking lot for dropping off students. To keep the line moving, have your child ready to exit the vehicle promptly and safely. This is not the time to have lengthy conversations or to begin gathering books and bags.  Students can exit the vehicle, even if it is not the first car in line.  Remind them to use caution when navigating the parking lot.
  6. When exiting the parking lot and turning onto Luedtke Avenue, look, look, look. Cars parked south of the intersection can create blind spots for drivers.
  7. Consider carpooling, riding the bus or walking/biking to school to reduce the number of cars in the area.
  8. Please talk to your student driver about these concerns.

We appreciate your help!  Please feel free to contact the school with any concerns.
