Homerooms for the Holidays – Please help by December 14

Homerooms for the Holidays is our annual project to help make Christmas merrier for local, needy families.  Please help us!

A list of needs for each family is attached, organized by homeroom. Homerooms for the Holidays 2018 – PDF

The following is a list of suggested items that would be useful to any child/family:

gift cards

movie passes

books of all kinds!

board games, puzzles, etc.


school/art/craft supplies

winter accessories (hats, mittens, scarves, etc.)

Christmas stockings (to personalize for each child)

individually wrapped snacks/candy


batteries (for games, toys, etc.)

monetary donations (to help purchase extra items for each family)

** Since these will be given as gifts, we ask that the items be new/unopened. **

We sincerely appreciate your generosity.  Please bring any donations to the school office, marked to the attention of Student Council, by Friday, December 14.